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Dominion Diamond Corporation (TSX:DDC), a materials company based in Canada, received a lot of attention from a substantial price movement on the TSX in the over the last few months, increasing to $17.93 at one point, and dropping to the lows of $16.17.

统领钻石公司Dominion Diamond Corporation(NYSE:DDC、TSX:DDC)创立于1994年,前称Harry Winston Diamond Corporation,总部位于加拿大的黄刀镇,全职雇员1,631人,是一家拥有矿业资产及钻石业零售部门的钻石企业,主要从事钻石原石的开采与销售,经营Diavik钻石矿与Ekati钻石矿。 DDC Dominion Diamond | 股票价格 值 物价 股票 图表 历史上 收益 股息收益率 - DDC Dominion Diamond 股票价格 - 5/23/2020. Get a Quote | Stock Quotes | TMXmoney Get Quotes Enter up to 10 symbols. Enter US symbols as :US. The symbol you entered is not valid. Please try again. SUBMIT. To locate multiple symbols with the auto-complete feature, begin typing the name of the company or symbol you wish to locate. Click on the company name or press the comma key on your keyboard, and the symbol will 加拿大股市上涨;截至收盘加拿大多伦多S&P/TSX 综合指数上 …